Privacy Policy
Last Updated May 27, 2023.
This privacy policy sets out how collects and stores informational data supplied to us by users of our website. By using this website Users accept and agree to our User Terms in their entirety and with our privacy policy as set out below. Your data and privacy is very important to us and we conform and adhere to all principles and requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation 2018).
1. Information supplied to us
Users of this website supply us with personal data at their own discretion, such as name, address and contact details in order to obtain quotes for the purpose of moving home or goods.
Our website operates entirely over secure HTTPS and all traffic and data is encrypted for maximum user privacy. Whilst every effort is continually made to ensure the security of our website, all personal information you supply to us is done so at your own risk.
2. What we do with the information
Your data shall only be used by us for specified and lawful purposes in relation to the purpose for which it was provided, which is to request quotations and services from our own verified removal operators that we partner with and also for contact by as may be required for the purpose of providing assistance or for requesting or answering feedback, either directly or via our own secure accounts with managed third party review sites who may publish non identifying reviews submitted to us by Users.
Third party removal operators that we partner with and supply User data to in order for them to provide a quote directly to the User are responsible for their own privacy policies and should be contacted directly for any enquiry in relation to their own use of User data.
Personal data held by us shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the GDPR and Data Protection Act 1998. Appropriate technical and organisational measures are taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
Your personal information and email address will not be distributed by us to any other organisation (other than as mentioned above) for any other purpose whatsoever unless obliged to do so by law. Once processed, all personal data provided to us by Users for the specific purpose of requesting a quote shall not be kept by us for longer than is necessary (usually up to a maximum of three months) before being permanently deleted from our records.
Enquiries regarding data held by third party removal operators must be made directly to the removal operator in question who has provided the quote directly to the User, and we cannot be held responsible for the privacy policies of third party operators that we partner with.
3. Cookies
Cookies are commonly used by most websites to enable a better user experience and to track visitors to a website for statistical purposes. We use analytics cookies which collect general user data such as the following:
- IP address
- ISP location
- Browser type
- Referral url
- Page views
- Return visits
No personal information is stored in the cookie, and the information obtained by us is used solely for statistical purposes, and as an extra security measure to help prevent any misuse of our website. Modern browsers allow cookies by default to ensure the best possible web experience, but users may modify their browser settings and choose to either enable or disable cookies. By continuing to use our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with this privacy policy and our User Terms.
4. Third party websites
Our website contains links to other websites and although we will never knowingly include a link to a website that may be considered harmful in any way, we do not accept responsibility for the content or privacy policy of any third party websites. Users should excercise their own discretion and caution when clicking through to other websites, and if required check the privacy policy applicable to that particular site.
5. Alterations to this privacy policy
Changes to this privacy policy may sometimes be made and this page updated accordingly. You should check to ensure you are familiar with the current policy before supplying any personal data or making an enquiry.
6. Contact us
You have the right to request details of the information we have about you at any time. If you would like to make an enquiry regarding the data we hold about you or have any questions about how we handle your personal information, please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.
For the fastest response please use our contact page.
We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to act as a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998 with the following registration number Z3574471.
References and further information
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
Data Protection Act 1998
Your rights under the Data Protection Act
Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003